We Are the Groves Story Share – Tues 13th April at 4pm on Zoom
Join us for a FREE community story share as we explore ‘Bile Beans, Saturday Soup and Chocolate’. It will be a chance for people to connect and be inspired to listen and tell their own stories of shops and the food eaten here in the Groves, past and present.
Connect with others, find out what Saturday Soup is and get to know your neighbours as local storyteller Arabian Phoenix inspires you to listen and tell your own stories of life in the Groves. To book a place email tellusastory@wearethegroves.org or call/text 07951050153 and we will send you a Zoom link.
If you don’t want to be a Zoomie, please contact us on phone or in real life, and we will record your story.
‘Bile Beans to disperse unwanted fat and purify and enrich the blood.’
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